FatigueFree - My way out of Chronic Fatigue

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Through the years that I have looked for ways to feel better, I have found some really good stuff. They couldn't cure my condition in themselves, but they helped me keep afloat until I found FatigueGuide.com, which was what finally made my life turn around.

On this page I write about these other resources. But don't try to take it all in at once, my suggestion is to start with the free tools from
FatigueGuide.com and use them for a while. Then you can ask yourself what would be of the best help for you on your journey towards better health and well-being. Trust your intuition, that is usually right. :-)

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The Rosen method
John Newton/Ancestral Clearing
Martha Beck
Tosha Silver
The Healing Code
Eckhart Tolle

Byron Katie/The Work
Anette Carlström/Oneness Meditation

The Rosen method
The Rosen method is a gentle body treatment where the therapist finds and unlocks tensions in the body. I became very interested in the Rosen method in 2011, I read a couple of books about it and decided that I wanted to try it. The only problem was that I hardly could leave home. I found Eva Lindman, who gives treatments both in Stockholm and in Gävle (in Sweden), and I contacted her. She was very understanding, and she agreed to come to my home to give me the treatments. I thought that it would just be for a couple of times, but we continued with this arrangement for a little more than two years! But after I attended the Optimum Energy Course last summer, I can now go into town to her practice and have the treatments there.

Eva and I have worked patiently with all of my body tensions and they are releasing a bit at a time. My body is significantly less tense now, compared to when I got the first treatment from Eva. Her treatments have also been a great help in keeping me afloat until my situation turned around. I also notice that the tensions are releasing more rapidly now. It is like much of the locked-up state my body was in with the CFS has been released after the course, and the body reacts more normally to these kinds of treatments too.

John Newton/Ancestral Clearing - Health Beyond Belief
John Newton is an American man who had a sort of awakening in his twenties. After that he got an ability to heal others through forgiveness work, he calls it Ancestral Clearing. He means that all unresolved experiences we have had are stored in the body and can cause inbalances and also illness. Even unresolved experiences from our ancestors are transmitted to us through the genes, and we might also carry debris from possible previous lifetimes. All this can be healed.

John Newton gives weekly group calls including a number of clearings through the internet, for payment. In the beginning of each month he usually gives a free group call as an introduction to his work, and this call is usually available for anyone to listen to for most of the month, and you can listen to it as many times as you like. If you leave your e-mail address on his website, you get the weblink to these free calls.

I have listened to these calls for several months now, and I notice great changes in myself and how I feel thanks to them. I immediately noticed the first time I listened to him that this was something out of the ordinary, I could really feel something changing in my body and soul. I have a lot more contact with my emotions now, and I think this has a lot to do with that.

Braco is a Croatian man who works as a healer, although he doesn't call himself that. Through his look he channels some sort of universal energy, which is healing both physical and psychological ailments. He doesn't preach any religion or way of life, he just gives his gaze and what comes through it. Braco is a big phenomenon in his homeland Croatia, and also in Germany. He travels over many parts of the world: Europe, USA, Russia, Australia etc, and lots of people come to every event to meet his gaze.

Now and then he has livestream events, when he gives his gaze through the internet, all for free. You just go to his website when it's time, there is no registration needed. There are usually around 3000-4000 computers in 80-90 countries over the world participating in this. These free events are announced by e-mail, if you leave your e-mail address on his webpage. But you can just as well go to his website and check for yourself when the next event will be.

Martha Beck
Martha Beck is an american writer and life coach who has written a number of books about how rather crazy life is, and how to find your way in it all. She writes in a both deeply spiritual and very humouristic way, and I think she is very good at pinpointing life's challenges and giving advice on how to navigate through it in a good way. I have only read one of her books so far (Finding Your Way in a Wild New World), but I'm both deeply touched and laugh out loud when I read it. She also writes for "O", Oprah Winfrey's magazine. You can leave your e-mail address on Martha's website to get her newsletter. She is also on Facebook.

Tosha Silver
Tosha Silver is originally an american astrologer, who has more and more
gone over to showing how we can live more in alignment with the divine. She has written several books, and is probably mostly known for her Change Me Prayers. She recently released a book with her Change Me Prayers, they are prayers to surrender to the divine allknowing awareness, and through that we can let go of much of the fear and worry we often feel. She has a newsletter you can sign up for, and she is also on Facebook. Tosha also has an app on both iTunes and Google Play, that shows helpful quotes from her books.

The Healing Code
Dr. Alex Loyd's wife Tracey was deeply depressed for many years. Dr Loyd searched for and tested different methods for her, but nothing helped. One day he got a "message from above", he was given a method that activates a funcion in the body that can resolve the cause of almost every illness and physical symtom. And when you resolve the cause of illness, the body can then heal itself. Dr Loyd tested this method on his wife, who almost instantaneously got rid of her depression, and she has been well ever since.

Thousands of people across the world have now used the Healing code to heal almost every kinds of problems with illnesses, negative emotions, relationships, work, etc. In the book you will learn the universal Healing code, that only takes a couple of minutes to do, and that can heal the cause of most illnesses. There is also a website for the Healing code.

Many people have reported almost miraculous recoveries after using the Healing code. I have used it regularly for about one and a half years, and even though I haven't had any remarkable results yet, I think it is relaxing and generally
stress reducing.

Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and writer. He was born in Germany and educated in the universities of London and Cambridge. When he was 29 years old, he had a massive spiritual transformation that radically changed his life. Since then he has written some of the most influential spiritual books of our time. Eckhart's deep and yet simple teachings have already helped lots of people across the world to attain inner peace and greater fulfilment in their lives. Eckhart Tolle has written a number of books, these are the ones I have read:

The Power Of Now
Practising The Power Of Now
Stillness Speaks
A New Earth

Eckhart Tolle also has a website where there is lots of great stuff, for example a free online course.

I have read Eckhart's books over and over again during my period of illness. They almost always made me feel better, especially when I felt down, or afraid. I
strongly recommend his books!

Byron Katie/The Work
When Byron Katie was in her 30s, she was very depressed, and her condition only got worse with time. But one morning she woke up and felt a profound peace. She suddenly understood that what was making her feel so bad was that she believed her thoughts to be true. If she didn't take her thoughts for truth, she felt a deep inner peace and universal love. She eventually came up with the four questions and the turnaround that she calls The Work. This simple process makes the thoughts release their grip, and you get a greater ability to feel true love and inner peace. Byton Katie has written several books, these are the ones I have read:

Loving What Is
I Need Your Love - Is That True?
A Thousand Names For Joy

Plus a couple more that is only available in Swedish, oddly enough. There is also a small booklet to download for free that describes the process. Byron Katie also has a website.

During my illness, I read Byron Katie's books time and time again too, especially when I felt really "down in the mud". And almost every time I felt a bit better afterwards. You get a new perspective on tings, and everything feels lighter.

Anette Carlström
Anette Carlström is a Swedish mother of two, who works as an alternative therapist in Helsingborg, Sweden. When she was in India in 2003, she had a transformative experience that changed her consciousness, and led to a spiritual awakening. She is now travelling the world giving lectures and workshops. She has written two books:

From The Heart
Namaste: Awakening the power of presence

She has also made a couple of DVDs and CDs.

Anette gives free Oneness Meditations with Oneness Blessings (Deekshas) online, every Tuesday evening at the moment. She also has a website with lots of interesting information. At Invokethepresence.com, you can also watch free videos with Anette and buy her programs.

There are now a number of people around the world giving Oneness Meditations and Oneness Blessings. On the website of Onewithlife.se there is a list of all the current Oneness Meditations and Oneness Blessings, day by day, hour by hour. That way it's easy to find a time that suits you. And it's all free, just go there and take part of it.

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